Recipe of the Week

Friday, September 2, 2011

Campfire Cooking

There are no substitutions to the fresh September air, sitting around a campfire and enjoying time with your family or friends, free from distractions. Labor Day weekend is the perfect time to do just that and below is a campfire recipe that will satisfy all. If your Labor Day plans don't include camping, but you want to savor these last chances to grill before winter with something extraordinary, this recipe works for you too!

Beef Up Your Bob - Kebob Recipe

Marinade Ingredients:

1/2 cup Olive Oil
1/4 cup Soy Sauce
1/4 cup Vinegar
1 teaspoon Ground Ginger
2 tablespoons Honey
1 tablespoon Garlic, Minced

Kebob Ingredients:

4 - 8oz Steaks, cut into 1" square chunks
1 large White Onion, cut into wedges
1 Red Sweet Bell Pepper, cut into 1" square slices
1 Orange Sweet Bell Pepper, cut into 1" square slices
1 Green Sweet Bell Pepper, cut into 1" square slices
16 ounces Mushrooms, left whole


Mix together marinade ingredients and place the beef in the marinade. Refrigerate for 24 hours prior to cooking. See below for cooking options.

Campfire Cooking:

Be sure to soak the food cooking ends of the sticks in water for 10 minutes prior to placing alternating kebob ingredients onto the stick. Then hold your kebobs closely over the hot coals and rotate slowly to sear the meat, sealing in the juices. Then push the opposite end of the stick into the ground near the coals to finish roasting the kebobs. Occasionally rotate each stick to ensure even cooking on all sides. Using this cooking method, there are many factors that can determine your cooking time, therefore, it is best to continuously check for your desired doneness.

Grill Cooking:

Place alternating ingredients on skewer and grill for 4-5 minutes on each side.


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