Recipe of the Week

Friday, May 27, 2011

Oh, The Things You Can Do With Bar-B-Que: Part IV

Sweet potatoes have become a popular food trend over the past ten years, in various forms like sweet potato fries and sweet potato tator tots. Many factors in our society contribute to the setting of a new food trend such as immigration and weather conditions. Over the past several years healthy eating has become an influential factor for many of today's food trends. The sweet potato is one of them. They are a good source of beta carotene, vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C. They are also a good source of dietary fiber, which helps the digestive track in preventing colon cancer and are high in potassium. Potassium helps to prevent heart attack and stroke. Sweet potatoes are good for regulating blood sugar, by stabilizing and lowering insulin resistance. They are high in folate content, which is necessary for healthy development of fetal cells and tissue in pregnant mothers. The health benefits of sweet potatoes are remarkable. Sweeten up your health with this Sweet Potato & BBQ Pork Hash recipe, it is SWEET DUDE!

Sweet Potato & BBQ Pork Hash

- 4 ounces Shredded BBQ Pork (Our May Saturday Special: Check it out!)
- 2 medium sized sweet potatoes, cubed
- 1 green pepper, chopped
- 1 white onion, chopped
- 2 teaspoons of olive oil
- 1 jalapeno, optional

In a large skillet, preferably a wok, place the sweet potato cubes. Add a cup of water, once evaporated (approximately 10 minutes) add another cup of water steaming the potatoes to a tender, but not mushy, texture. Once the water has evaporated for the second time, add oil to cook the cubes until golden. Add green pepper, onion and jalapeno, cook until tender. Add shredded bbq pork until heated through. Serve over cornbread.


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